oops i forgot to submit our score


Track: Casual
Puzzles solved: 6

Team Members:

Jayden, Demi, Daniel, Steph, Kenny

Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (PT) Time to solve Solve time (PT)
Wah-wwa Wia 0 05/29 10:03 42h48m 05/31 04:52
Wah-shington Post 0 05/29 10:03 67h51m 06/01 05:54
Wah-taburger 0 05/30 10:10 44h14m 06/01 06:25
Wah-gyu Stakes 1 05/29 10:03 115h12m 06/03 05:16
Wah-spkeeping 1 05/29 10:03 121h1m 06/03 11:05
Wah-rcade 2 05/30 10:10 113h33m 06/04 03:44